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During the 1960's, the National Science Foundation

sent teams to traverse the plateau of Eastern Antarctica

A pair of Tucker 843 Snocats were maintained by

Traverse Engineers from the University of Wisconsin



After hauling six teams over 5000 miles, the Snocats

were abandoned during the Queen Maud Land Traverse III

Recovering the

Tucker 843 Snocats

is our mission

Surveys were taken every three miles that required team members to dig snow pits, drill ice cores and blast dynamite

These methods provided a rich data set for mapping the continent below the ice

Ground Truth

Surveys were taken every three miles that required team members to dig snow pits, drill ice cores and blast dynamite

Radar Echo Sounding provided a rich data set for mapping the continent below the ice



1961: DDT

          Ross Ice Shelf

1962: McMurdo

          South Pole Station

1964: SPS

          Horlick Mtns

1965: QMLT-I

          Pole of Inaccessibility

1966: QMLT-II

          Plateau Station

1968: QMLT-III

          Shackleton Range




The new Tucker 843 Snocats were untested and traversing the Ross Ice Shelf revealed critical performance issues

Traverse Engineers at McMurdo, prepared the Snocats for a traverse to South Pole Station.This expedition put the team and their equipment to the full test of the harsh climate and high altitude of the Antarctic plateau. 

McMurdo to South Pole Station

Antarctica map routes.png

Queen Maud Land Traverse

A radio transmission was received from the National Science Foundation

"Radar Echo Sounding

can now be done from the air

There is no point in driving any further

Pack your personal belongings

and scientific instruments

Get on the C-130 that will be landing

Abandon everything else"

Video Anchor

The Tucker 843 Snocats are testament

to American exploration and must be 

repatriated for historic preservation

Recovery Mission




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